Why do people spend millions upon millions, of supporter money, to become President?
According to Title 3 of the US Code, the US President “shall earn” a salary of $400,000, along with a $50,000 annual expense account, a $100,000 nontaxable travel account, and $19,000 for entertainment. –Source
Spending tens of millions of dollars to get a $400,000 job doesn’t seem like a good investment, EVEN if it is OPM (other people’s money).
But when you can use tens of millions of OPM and set yourself up for life, why not?
And why not use the office to make sure you are set up for life?
Obama is as ethically challenged as they come.
Not only did he use other people’s money to get elected, he used tax payer money to set himself up for life.
This is why character matters folks.
The Obamas book contracts and new Martha’s Vineyard home purchase have been widely reported, but Americans need to understand how it all came about.
As far-left Democrats yell about bribery and high crimes and misdemeanors, let’s turn to their own side of the aisle, starting with the once penniless President Obama, who left public office a very, very rich man.
He just bought a Martha’s Vineyard mansion for a cool $11.75 million, which is in addition to his Kalorama lookout post, his Chicago home, and possibly a Hawaii spread. At some point, you’ve made enough…but not him.
Ostensibly, it’s mainly the work of his book deals. No bribery there, right?
According to Investment Watch (IWB), something doesn’t quite look right.
Obama gave Pearson Publishing $350 million to create Commoncore text and Pearson gave Obama a $65 million dollar book deal in return.
Pearson Publishing was paid for Commoncore but Penguin Random House Publishing did the Obama book deal. But there is commonality with the two:
Penguin Random House was formed on July 1, 2013, upon the completion of a £2.4 billion transaction between Bertelsmann and Pearson to merge their respective trade publishing companies, Random House and Penguin Group. Bertelsmann and Pearson, the parent companies, owning 53% and 47%, respectively.
In July 2017, Pearson agreed to sell a 22% stake in the business to Bertelsmann, thereby retaining a 25% holding.
That sounds like a classic bribe. You give me this big contract, and I’ll kick back some to you at a later date. Chicago Way. The book cash flowed to Obama in 2017. Pearson, incidentally, seemed to lose money anyway, given the public distaste for Obama’s federal takeover of education via Common Core, which extended to states cutting the program.
President Trump complained about the apparent quid pro quo last summer.
It’s not the first time Obama has done things like this, either. IWB notes that Obama’s net neutrality stance benefited Netflix, and surprise, surprise, he got a lucrative deal with Netflix, too.
One hand washes the other.
We hadn’t even mentioned the Netflix deal.
The Obamas are now set for life and it seems that the $400,000 salary has nothing to do with it.
President Trump takes a $1 salary because he has to legally accept something.
He donates the rest to charity.
But even so, Trump could use and abuse the office to make millions upon millions of dollars IF he wanted to, even on a $1 salary.
Character matters America, and Barack Obama just got busted in a huge “I’ll scratch your back and you scratch mine” scheme that will go nowhere with the liberal media.
However, we Americans need to know that Barack Obama was and is a crook who used his office for the purpose of personal wealth while sacrificing America’s children.
Common core was a horrible deal for America’s children.
Geez, why didn’t we see that coming?
Common Core is all about money and we let them force it upon us anyway.
It made the Obamas rich.
It’s time to start raising hell America.
Oh yeah, I had forgotten about that one.
The left is using their power and YOUR MONEY to perpetuate lies that will send America to her eventual destruction.
As the next generation continues to grow up, less educated than the generations before, we need to understand that it’s liberal policies that are forcing the change and greedy Ex-Presidents who continue to profit from your children’s struggles and America’s eventual demise.
We have to put a stop to this SOON.
Article posted with permission from Dean Garrison